Welcome to our class website!


Welcome to Fourth Grade!

We are excited to begin the 2018-2019 school year at Memphis Scholars Caldwell-Guthrie Elementary.
Teaching your child is a tremendous responsibility and we will do our best to ensure that each student has a safe and motivating learning experience in this upcoming year. However, we cannot do this without the help of you, the parents.  We are partners in the learning process. We believe that parent-teacher relationships are necessary for maximum school success.  Throughout the year we will communicate through our website, notes, telephone call, emails, report cards and parent teacher conferences.  We encourage you to contact us if you have any questions or concerns at any time.  You can call us at the school, send written notes or contact us via email.

If you need to drop off or pick up your child during the school day, you must sign him/her in or out in the office. Students must maintain regular and prompt attendance to ensure success.  If students arrive late, they miss out on learning activities that begin immediately at 8:05 am.


Students will receive weekly homework packages on Mondays and should return on Fridays. 

Classroom Expectations and Policies

Establishing good classroom discipline is essential to each child’s success, confidence and well-being. Every child should feel that the classroom environment is safe and secure; free from all threats of physical or emotional harm. In addition, it is important that each child learn to develop self-discipline and good work habits, to resolve conflicts peacefully, and to think independently. For these reasons, the discipline plan we have chosen has several components.

First, the children will learn the purpose of classroom expectations and develop the idea that our classroom is a community with the common purpose of learning, growing and becoming friends.  


We expect the students to:

Be Respectful           Be Responsible            Be Safe

The second facet of the discipline plan includes the logical consequences that may occur when class rules are broken.  Examples of logical consequences include time-out away from a classroom activity for class disruptions or bothering other children, spending recess time completing work, cleaning or repairing damaged property, or written and/or verbal apologies for aggressive behavior, name calling or ridicule towards other children. This list is not inclusive since it is impossible to predict all incidents of misbehavior that may occur during the year. The idea is for the consequence to be related to the misbehavior and act as a solution or restitution for the problem. If classroom rules are severely or persistently broken, parents will be contacted by phone or email. A visit to the Dean’s office is used as a last resort option, although at times it is the only option.

Finally, discipline includes praise.  Our fourth grade classroom will focus on positive behaviors with lots of positive reinforcement. Praising students when they have contributed positively to the classroom environment is also a disciplinary 'tactic'.  Students need recognition not only for positive reinforcement but for building self-esteem and self-worth.   All students will receive praise when it is appropriate; good behavior is always worth encouraging and taking notice. 

We believe it is very important to communicate between home and school and we will do our best to keep you informed.   Should you have any questions, comments or concerns at anytime throughout the year, please contact us at the school

Warm Regards,

Ms. Perkins, Math

Mrs. Smith, ELA

Mr. Grant, Science and Social Studies





Have Fun!
The Team at Educator Pages heart